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This game is pretty much everything a survival horror should be. It's one of the hardest games that I've played (on the same level as Brother Wake Up IMO) and I've spent A LOT of time on this. I may just be terrible, but I couldn't beat it to save my life. Right away, I loved the voice acting. It was funny and natural, and the character had personality. The ambiance was really creepy, and paired with the darkness/visuals, it was scary. I mean the "I don't wanna go around the corner, die, and have to start all over again" scary. I liked the flat, pixelated graphics. The pixelated graphics horror genre is great and I'm super addicted to them. The frame rate and controls were smooth, so that's good too! The only issue I had, was where the monster kept somehow teleporting RIGHT in front of me, cornering me and forcing me to 'try' and juke it out. Most of the time, failing. At the same time, it's definitely still possible. This mechanic mostly induces panic, which is also a good thing. But yeah, awesome stuff! Thanks for making this!