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What do i do when the steambot runs out of fuel? it wont allow me to pick it up or access its inventory so i cant put wood in it or recycle it, what do i do?

(1 edit)

I may not have understood the question but I still try
to reload a steambot you (or any bot) must have a log in hands and the "given (or use)" it to the steambot


But how do i refuel it after it runs out? when its power supply is empty i cant interact with it to put more logs in it.

it looks like a bug...

but have you try to make this?

-when you have a log in the hands right click to give

-or go in the window on the right for access to the robot, trade and put the log in the inventory

if neither of them work I think it's a bug

When the steambot is empty, you can just right click it with wood (logs would be the best as they burn the longest)