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This is a fun little game. I like the art and sound of it a lot. If there's one thing I had problems with was the lack of feedback on things. Hitting the slimes was fun, but it was hard to tell exactly what I was doing. Is the goal to damage them? Push them off the map? They way they reacted to being hit by the mace seemed a little inconsistent, so I'm entirely sure what was going on. Additionally, I found my character was consistently re-gaining health, and I couldn't exactly figure out why? Is there a health bonus when you hit slimes? Is it an item pickup? I'm pretty sure it's not just a slow health recharge, because I saw the health drain when I just stayed still. Some more feedback to the player would be helpful in conveying what's going on in the game.

Yup, hp goes down over time, killing an enemy grants some hp, picking up the red mushroom grants some hp, if you hp is over max it decreases faster