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As a fellow Skele love I approve xD it took me a bit to figure out the controls,  I was so happy that they were listed on the game page.  I love that he slowly gets bigger with the more bones you get and it was interesting that he jumped higher the bigger he got! I thought it would be cool if when adding bones to the bridge his bones started being taken away,  might be a cool mechanic to think about if you continue development! 


Actually, you do lose bones for building bridges, which was a key component of the Skeleton. Maybe you didn't encounter it while playing, but it's possible to revert back to an earlier form because you spend the bones that made up your legs for example. We have plans to implement other methods of spending your bones, as we wanna flesh out the idea of changing forms and managing bones. Appreciating the love from a fellow Skele <3


oh really!? I guess I collected too many too fast to see it xD; I was just excited because of how cute it was <3