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Thank you for playing our game and taking the time to give us our feedback.

- If we had more time we would have allowed to move the tiles after placing them, as long as they don't connect the hero to a point of interest (tiles would then be locked ). I'm working on it at the moment!

- On the connection with the theme, our idea was as follow: We wanted to avoid the idea of connecting characters/objects  and try to find something else to 'join'. That's how we came up with this idea: rather than joining elements inside the level, player should join the level itself together. That's why the skeleton enemies are on the tiles: player is not supposed to put together pieces to cross the level but to put together the level itself, enemies included, in such a way the character can reach the exit. If this idea may not appeared fully fleshed out, I think there is room for experimentation here. 

Again, thanks for your comment!