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(1 edit) (+1)

The game is decent, but there is a lot of polish lacking, here are some issues that I remember:

  1. key 1 and 2 to lock unlock cursor, the game should auto do it.
  2. Movement is sloppy, u run way faster diagonally than forward.
  3. Camera is way too smooth, and fps is low (my PC is decent and should run this game smoothly).
  4. UI scaling was an issue, on a Full HD monitor the UI was literally so tiny I had to lean my head forward to try and read the font. (Font wasn’t forgiving aswell).
  5. I had no idea what to do most of the time, gave up in the club section where I had to left click on guard and couldn’t do anything.
  6. Audio keeps cutting off during cutscenes, very noticeable.
  7. Audio loops are not perfect loops, especially in the menu.
  8. Animations on characters felt unnatural and didn’t loop properly.

I can see this game being decent if these things were polished.

Thank you for your feedback will update all the issues and be updating on the final version

Thank you