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And here we have a "game that would do well in the mobile market with a bit more polish and touch controls".  The premise and controls are simple, but they combine to create a game that can range in difficulty from trivial to near-impossible. Aside from a developer par system, which only appeared once during my play through, it doesn't subjectively grade you on performance, but tell you the cuts anyways, pushing players to see if they can improve their grade further. I was fairly challenging thinking of the moves I would have to make to fit all the pieces.

One sticking point for me was that, thanks to the game running on an invisible grid, I would accidentally place two pieces too close, and they would stick together, making me waste a cut separating them. The other was the crunching audio, while fitting for a game about cookies, only plays in my left ear, while the delivered cookie is on the right. It makes it feel like the customer picked up the cookie, walked around me, and started eating specifically in my ear. Please either make the audio centered, or if it was an artistic choice, on the right.

You've made a game in 48 hours, that would have taken much longer for me. Good job!

Thanks for the in-depth review, and the kind words !

I honestly don't know anything about audio, other than how to make it play. :-) I never noticed that separation the way you did though. I'll take another look at that.

Yes, the invisible grid is an issue. I probably should have added some kind of tile/table pattern, just to make things more obvious. But at the very end I was more focused on adding more interesting challenges while I still had the time.