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I know I usually only post once a day, but something really unusual just happened:

After returning to my computer I couldn't find my code! The code files got heavily corrupted, and a strange exe file was left behind.

Upon running it I found that it was my game, except it wasn't. something is off, the game has changed. But I'm a bad roguelike player, so I can't investigate on my own (at least not without my cheats).

So I'm asking you, please help me. You can download the exe here. If you find any bugs, tell me. I might be able to trace the changes if you do.

Also if you win, I would like to know what happened to the end of the game, just message me on twitter:

okay that was supposed to be the original message.  guess what though? I completely failed to convert my code to an exe....

moral of the story: use modules that are not hard as nut to use with pyinstaller

if some one could help me with that I would be glad. for now I just gonna upload pyc files, you'll have to use python 3.6 and install the requirement until I figure it out.

sorry for breaking the roleplay but I really pushed myself into a corner with this one. I will release the actual code once someone beats it (although if you really want to it's quite easy to convert pyc to py, just don't use it to cheat and claim unfair victory :P)