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Hi Incudo, I'm so glad you liked the demo!

Things have come a LONG way since the demo came out, and in that time I decided to take it in more of a novelesque way than say a traditional mystery solving game. This is mostly due to limitations of the engine. I'm hoping in future instalments (I've a few sequel ideas), but trying to put in a bunch of investigation mechanics would either feel trite or out of place with what I'm working with.

There's going to be a LOT of choices throughout the full game, some that affects how the story progresses, some that simply gives you  more backstory in whatever element of the lore you'd like to know., but none that will lock you out of finishing the game or giving you a "bad" ending 

In the end I want Kaiju Noir to be like one of those pulp novels from the 1940s. Something you could read through in one sitting (around 2-3 hours depending on your reading speed) and that makes you feel a lot of things. I'm hoping that's what I'll be able to deliver .

- Kaiju