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The central idea is solid, but I think it would work better if there was a circle which shows the area in which you can still click to form a rope. (And perhaps a few rounds of testing, I didn’t get the feeling all of my clicks registered.) Also, introduce the other animals a bit earlier. Once you can capture one and about four rabbits, the mechanic has been introduced, and you can show some (promised) variance. (I had to give up in the 3rd level after a bunch of tries…)

While it wasn’t been a problem in practice, I don’t think it was a good idea to put the restart button on the field itself, where an animal might be, either.

This is so close to being fun, but just a bit too janky to nail the landing.


The restart button get anchored in the wrong place on canvas, I was sad when the elephant got covered too :/

I thought about the circle but I couldnt put on game.

Love the game design feedback thx.