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Can we play chess with the stranger?

I enjoyed playing this little demo to an upcoming game, which I fully indulge others to check out and experience.

What caught my attention was not the graphics or overall amazing look of the game, but rather the story. Addition to that, the hand written notes and environment was intriguing. Rarely, I see a functional demo with this type of effort, which endorses the player to actually check out the full game and wait for the release. I guess, this one will have a price, I would definitely pay to check out the full story. 

Good Luck with the game, I hope developer gets the recognition it deserves. 

Side Note: One thing that surprises me the most is that the game is made with Unity and not UE. Most of the demos, or likewise games use UE, but this one, just uses Unity and Blender. Splendid. 


Thank you very much for your feedback! We really appreciate your review.

You can try it in the full release ;)