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Dash (j) does not work, and there seems to be no way to close the app other then the Alt F4. But it looks nice.  

Dash should work with 'j'. But you need to get to the point in the game where it's unlocked :) Until that point you need to get through without it. But it's possible ^^ Let me know, if it worked!

If its locked you should somehow communicate it to player :), otherwise it looks like something is wrong. Also you should have main menu under Esc it's a expected behavior.  I've played it about 10 minutes and uninstalled. Wish you good luck with it, but don't plan to play it further. If i had time i still have Ori and three parts of Trine to finish :)

The Esc function will be in the new version that comes to steam. Thanks for the feedback! It's always apprechiatet :)