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Thank you for your kind words!

When I started making the game my thought process was really just "I want there to be a game like this, if I can't find it I will make it." And ended up biting off more than I could chew.

Having had more visibility would have been nice! But I am grateful with what I got. To be honest I have been kinda down in general so I don't think much will happen beyond this point. Until I feel better I consider the game finished as is!

I sent the files of my game to a friend who offered to work out the last few kinks but she found it very overwhelming. I can't really blame her, I wasn't the cleanest in my work process.

Still I'm glad that despite its flaws you managed to get enjoyment out of it, it really means so much to me. If you do end up making something make sure to link it, I would love to check it out!