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(1 edit)

There are two entries for the mill in the quest log. One is for repairing it, and the second (optional) is to improve it. Only the second one should be capable of turning red, and it would happen when you don't pick the "improve the mill" option when talking to the guy (to have the option, you also need to have re-opened the blacksmith and then talked to her first).

The quest log entries use a script, so you can't just change it with a variable value. If you want me to, I can take a look at the savefile, but it's probable that you missed the improvement option.

(2 edits)

Thank you for the quick reply!

I feel embarrassed. I hyper focused on the red text and just didn't read that the game recognized that I repaired the mill on the line directly above it lol. I'm assuming now that "Turning a New Leaf" completes itself after I move into Chapter 4. So I'll just return to proceeding with the main story. 

I have nothing but praise for the game btw. I originally played it a couple years ago and loved it. About ~6 months ago I felt like checking back in to see how it progressed. So I started up a new save and enjoyed every minute of the game's content and story. I'm just now picking back up where I left off, and it's great to see so much consistent activity. Keep up the great work!!

Glad to hear you like the game! ^_^
The quest currently doesn't complete because I am not sure if I want to add a few more objectives to it or not, but it's possible you already completed everything available.

I wish I would make faster progress, but other than the art and testing, I do everything myself, so it's difficult to be much more productive. Still, I think I am doing a decent job, even compared to other devs. :)