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Definitely one of the most unique layouts for a puzzle game I've seen and a deceptively simple layout with waaaay too many combinations to list that I feel like definitely allow for some unique solutions.  (and confusing ones)

Tho a few points, probably mostly personal stuff, I have would be:

  • The distinction between a "knot"/corner bit you can remove or can't seems to be not very clear?  Probably wrong on this one but I had a bit of trouble telling.  
  • Also when I could do a diagonal was pretty clear because of the indicator once I noticed it, but there were a decent amount of situations where I thought I could move the rope diagonally, but I wasn't actually able to.  It's probably just me not noticing how but it definitely hurt trying to use the diagonal mechanic personally.
  • The rope layouts are a genius thing to add for level complexity.   While also being the most painful thing in the levels to figure out.  Just a simple 180 or 90 degree turn with the ropes becomes incredibly complex with the moveset limitations.  Which is good and bad.. depending on level design of course.

Overall though, a crazy puzzle game.  Definitely had me the most stumped out of all of them so far.