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I'm stuck with what to do with the level 2 keycard rip... I've looked at the map and it says it's still in that area but I can't for the life of me find it.

I need some help understanding. What is a keycard rip? Voms doesnt use keycards. Are you talking about this demo or the Beta release? Maybe you mean the key that you need to find in the Farms? But that's not a level 2 key... I need more info in order to help you.

When you get to the transmission tower, trying to not give away spoilers :P blonde girl gives you a yellow keycard of a sort and I don’t know quite where to take it. 

Alright, so you are talking about the actual game (beta). The tower is pretty much a straight path to the top. When you activate the computer, just leave the tower. Indeed you can open lv2 doors outside the tower.