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I mean, no, you can't really change the weapon sprites without loading the mod, because of how it works...?

Sorry that there's a breakdown in communication, but I'm not sure what to suggest from here.
Is there any chance you're asking for a way to only have skins, and not the vanilla weapon sprites? If so, there's technically some code you could change (the 8 on line 125 - if you want vanilla skins to never show up change it to a 0), but other than that I don't think I can help you.

ok but to make sure if I wanted to change the game sprites is there anyway.

yes, there are a few ways (vanilla sprite edits, sprite_replace, loading custom sprites with a mod like I did), but you'd be better off using another mod/making your own if I understand you correctly.

hi epsilon

hi - we seeing how far this one comment chain goes now?

thanks and yes