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Thanks a lot for the feedback! This is like a summary of all the comments i got with additional useful stuff! 

1) Yes, i will do that for my next puzzle platformer definetly, or just make one - screen levels like you said in point 6.

2) I know that the collision sometimes doesn´t work right, this is one of the hardest things for me.

3) That´s a pretty good idea i haven´t thought about yet. I added the particles when you (dis-)connect but that would have been a coll addition too.

4) I realised that too, but i unfortanetly have no idea how. 

5) Didn´t have the time, was on my list though.

7) The problem with the text size is mainly because i had a different canvas size in Unity than i had on I will try to do that better next time.

But again: Thanks a lot for the feedback, i´m really glad you enjoyed it! :)