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This is a really fun game! Took a few tries to get the hang of it, but it was worth it. You never really have full control of your train, because the carriages sometimes break apart, but that added to the fun and unpredictability of the game. The only thing is I would prefer if you didn't have to click again to ungrapple from the drones. Still, good job!


Robonaut, i like your recent bullet game. can you show me where I can learn to make my game look similar (with the 8bit 2d appearance from 3d assets). Thanks!


Hi! Sorry it took me an entire two weeks to reply, as I haven't really been on Itch lately...

I was kinda struggling with this during the jam too, and the best solution I came across (in Unity anyway) was to render your camera's output to a render texture, which you put on your UI canvas as a raw image (no idea what the difference between a raw image and an image is, but for some reason it must be raw.) Keep in mind that the texture looks stretched if it's not the same as the aspect ratio you're going for, so sadly you have to lock your project to one aspect ratio. Here's the tutorial I followed back then, which is probably easier to follow than this block of text: 

As for the rest of the of the graphics, I used Universal Render Pipeline, and a Linear colour space (in Project Settings) (also Linear wouldn't work for html5, so it looks considerably uglier online). The scene used an orthographic camera, and that neat fog underneath the world came from this handy tutorial from LMHPoly (the fog does look pretty glitched if stuff falls into it though): 
That's mostly the process I followed for that project, but if you have any questions, just ask! :-)

Thank you!