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  • Level select stage in a games jam? Excellent attention to detail.
  • Interesting and unique puzzle design. I like the general concept.
  • Nice looking retro style.


  • Prologue font is really hard to read!
  • Is that UGUI? It's mostly obsolete now, replaced by a much better visual Canvas system. Make the switch, you won't regret it.
  • Controls aren't presented on screen anywhere. Had to look up how to access doors!
  • Doesn't cope well with different resolutions.
  • Don't really understand the gameplay at first. Needs a bit more in-game onboarding. Please don't make me read instructions external to the game, I might just quit and move on to the next game.
  • Why don't ATMs transfer coins? I thought that would be an interesting mechanic. Maybe if that's important the visual metaphore should be something else, perhaps a sack, vault or chest?
  • Hitboxes are way too sensitive, and levels are way too hard! No matter how good the puzzle design is, if you can't easily perform the solution it ruins the game.

Oh yikes, thanks for bringing those nitpicks up to my attention. A lot of the problems you had I addressed in previous comments, but yeah I do agree we could've made this a lot better. The main two reasons why most of those nitpicks you had aren't implemented are because of 2 things: lack of time to implement and/or lack of programming experience (we're still fairly new at this). I do really appreciate your feedback though, and I hope to improve on those aspects in the future! Thanks for playtesting!


I didn't mean any of the nitpicks to be insulting. Was just hoping you'd take them as lessons for the future. I totally understand the pressures of a games jam limits what you can do. I think you can be proud of your creation, lots of teams tried hard and didn't submit anything. Lots more probably wanted to try but never got started. Just submitting a game is a fabulous achievement in itself.


Yeah I totally agree! Sorry if I made my response seem like I thought you were insulting it, I genuinely love any and all feedback.