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Here is what i think:

  • Save/Load states is something reaaally important
  • Widescreen is possible?
  • Select multiple sprites at the same time
  • Custom Layers for Sprites
  • Full Cube/Cube is going to get improved?,sometimes when i play Megaman for example,some blocks get a "hole" when in FC/C
  • Turn Shadow Off in the background sprites or the sprites or your choice
  • Sprites that render some kinda of light
  • Mouse wheel moves tiles forward and back in space.
  • Command to send all tiles to back (fresh slate)
  • Anti-Aliasing and FXAA ?
  • A new pattern that turn some sprites in something like a Ball made of pixels? (without holes like V-Cylinder and H-Cylinder)
  • Possibility to turn Shadows off without putting Graphics on Low
Yes,i copyed some functions from the others comments
(1 edit)

Anti-aliasing is possible in DX9 mode through Nvidia Profile Inspector (SGSSAA). Use "0x004000C1" as the compatibility bits. I don't know if there are known compatibility bits for the Unity engine in DX11. But it would be good having some native AA options in 3DNes.

3DNes uses some AA already, but I don't know what type it is. I've tried hunting it in DX9 mode with the Helixmod dll and it seems it isn't a pixel or vertex shader, so maybe it is MSAA.

Thanks for the reply,i will test that on my Nvidia Profile I. right now!