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A member registered Jul 16, 2016

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If something is visible with the default camera, why does it disappear when I rotate the camera to the sides? It defeats to some degree the point of using the camera behind the character to make it look like he's going forward, because you see less things that could attack you, holes in the ground, etc.

Example (left side in this case):

My requests (trying to not repeat what others have requested):

- Software mouse cursor that is placed at the depth of what it's pointing. I use 3D Vision and it would help immensely whenever I want to click on an element.

- Overclocking feature, like FCEUmm has. There are games that have slowdowns in the real console and this would fix it.

- Configurable number of layers, maybe.

- Save states, speedup, rewind, etc (typical emulator features).

(1 edit)

Anti-aliasing is possible in DX9 mode through Nvidia Profile Inspector (SGSSAA). Use "0x004000C1" as the compatibility bits. I don't know if there are known compatibility bits for the Unity engine in DX11. But it would be good having some native AA options in 3DNes.

3DNes uses some AA already, but I don't know what type it is. I've tried hunting it in DX9 mode with the Helixmod dll and it seems it isn't a pixel or vertex shader, so maybe it is MSAA.