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While simple in presentation, the idea of linking things to move them and use them for puzzle solving was awe-inspiring.

Pshysics-based puzzles are prone to glitches and the like, so I'm not going to go into that territory. The ideas and mechanics behind this game were quite clever, and some of the puzzles made me feel super smart for figuring out a solution. Even if they were not very complex, it still gave me some satisfaction.

The setting and visuals of the game are great as well. Not too heavy as to not get distracting, yet with some details here and there that did make it pop! It's a good balance!

A clever brain-bender indeed. I'd love to see this evolve with at least some more quality of life, such as being able to restart a room if something gets lost, or even some areas to experiment further with the linking mechanics. There's a lot of potential in a game like this! 👍


Thanks a lot for these nice words! :)