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This game is really confusing. The concept seems interesting but it doesn't seem utilized very well. I liked the idea of dropping body parts so to solve puzzles, but none of the puzzles were challenging or required me to do something in a specific order. I would go to the button, select the color, press tab and press it again.

The controls are also really awkward. Pushing A/D also turns the camera, so using the mouse it was constantly fighting it.

The platforming is very slow and floaty. I was actually able to get past a lot of it the first time when I didn't know what to by just walking around walls because it takes so long to start falling. Moving isn't interesting so the time it takes to get places is tedious.

Lastly, I really like the visuals of the beginning title screen, but the visuals during gameplay hindered my understanding of what was going on. The similar colors made it hard to see how far things were, and the lines connecting the body made me confused.

I like the music though. Good job on submitting a game, keep on improving.