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Wow, I've got a lot to say about this one! I love your environment design, first of all. Every level is interesting to look at and unique! It's a good thing too, because the girl is so slow xD

On the third level with the rotating platforms, I tried the top road first, and it was waay more difficult than the lower one, partly because I wanted to stay far away from the platforms to flatten them, but couldn't tell the length of my tether.

For the first few levels I had trouble figuring out some of the mechanics, but you did a good job with the graphic at the beginning of the enemy ghost level to show fighting. I also liked how every level kept introducing new mechanics, and the way you connected the mechanic with the story for the ending was wonderful. Fantastic work!

how did you get passed the purple fire on the second level?


There's a purple orb above it that acts as a switch when the ghost touches it, if I remember right!


thank you! ok going back to try again.