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(1 edit)

Hey there! I really enjoyed what I was able to play of this, but wanted to give a little warning to future players: be wary of playing this in Firefox!

I was able to play it till around the end, but then it kept reading each single input as if I was holding the key down. I think it's just a quirk with Bitsy & Firefox, so nothin' towards the dev. Oddly enough, if you reload it in another tab, it resumes reading inputs correctly, but seems it's probably safest running this in Chrome or somethin'.

(I thought that might've been more to do with the Bitsy editor than the resulting games, but seems not!)

Mostly finished it now (only missed the gravel, milk, & tiny top first time; still missing gravel now) and it was a bunch of fun! I really enjoyed the pirate ship part, and the museum was clever too! I picked up on the hint but set it aside at first, so had to revisit it.