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I think the problem with TUNKY is that I left something in there that was slowing it down, I'll quickly patch that. And with BUNKY, I didn't think BUNKY would have this problem too. Some people were dealing with it in my previous game, 3:00 AM at The Krusty Krab. I dunno if I can do much about it. The only solution is to wait for the next Unreal Engine update to fix this, cause I think it's a bug with the Engine from what people were saying.

sí, exactamente como dices, dudo mucho de que sea tu juego, tanto BUNKY como TUNKY, tus juegos no tienen culpa, la culpa es irreal. Creo que Unreal es un motor muy nuevo y con "nuevo" quiero decir que es beta , es absurdo que un juego con tan pocos gráficos presente problemas tan básicos como los movimientos a cuadros. el cambio de motor a unity que mensiono solo es una simple suposición unicamente. me suponia que no era el unico con el problema. gracias por responder :)


yes, exactly as you say, I doubt very much that it is your game, both BUNKY and TUNKY, your games are not to blame, the guilt is unreal. I think Unreal is a very new engine and with "new" I mean that it is beta, it is absurd that a game with so few graphics presents problems as basic as the movements to pictures. the change of engine to unity that mension is only a simple assumption only. I assumed he was not the only one with the problem. thanks for answering :)