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Future Video? “How I made a game of golf in 48 hours with C++ and SDL2”? I can’t play it at the moment, cause mobile, but it seems that most people in the comments are saying it doesn’t run? I’ll give a review later.


It won't run Likely Because he forgot to bundle some DLLs and it has no memory optimization and also has awful memory leakage.


It doesn’t run on mobile, which is what I was using to type that out. And yes, I know about the memory leakage.

Did you tried the executing the exe as administrator on the phone? maybe that works.

If not, try compatibility mode by right clicking it, properties, then Compatiblity on the phone.

also install Visual C++.


it’s a god damn iPhone how the hell am I supposed to run an exe on it no phone that I know of can run exes except phones that run linux maybe

Then do what i said. run it as administrator. also did you tried setting the color-DPI to 16 bit?

do… do you know that you can’t run Windows programs in iOS… EVER.

Are you using build 19043 on Windows 10? or did you move to Win 11? If you're on 11, then you can't run.

Windows 10 build 19043 however should allow you to run it.

I’m talking about an iPhone on iOS, and the game runs perfectly fine on Windows 11, no need for admin mode

Then do the same on your iphone. they called it iOS, but the truth is that it's actually Windows 10 but redesigned.