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Hmm, that's strange, it doesn't do that on windows 7 for me. Maybe try updating your graphics card driver, really old drivers will cause the game to crash, and it is probably incorrect that the program is incompatible (the troubleshooter probably made a mistake).

I've just tried updating it ,but it says the best driver software for your device is already installed

Hmm, I'm not sure what's wrong then. If you open a command prompt (shift+right click in the Aground folder, then click open command window here) and type "Aground.exe" and hit enter, does it show any errors before crashing (like ModHandler.hx:95: Enable Mod: Core)? Does it show any more info about the error before you click troubleshoot?

C:Users\Administrator\Desktop\Aground>ModHandler.hx:95: Enable Mod: Core

ModHandler.hx:95: Enable Mod: Chinese Translation