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ehey! Godot! Perfect choice for a game engine :D especially when starting out. I really like godot.

First of all, allow me to be the first to congratulate you on completion of your first ever game! Something to be proud of and feel good about! Good job, well done! And completing your first game project for a game jam with 48 hour limit no less! Good job!

Sound effects were a tad too loud (Especially dying sound) (in godot you can actually change the db (decibel) of sounds in the AudioStreamPlayer :P something to keep in  mind for the future

I liked the use of color gradient for gate access, needing to be a matching color to go through a gate, very cool idea!  How'd you do that in code? probably just a string check? like - color ="blue" and then on gate if color == "blue"?  or did you do something fancier? 

The use of freezing / unfreezing an enemy to make him into a stepping stone, very creative, really liked that

I really liked it, very fun mechanics. If you had more time could've used the enemy freezing / unfreezing in more creative ways, but this was good, fun


Thanks for the feedback and I agree Godot is such a great project. I've been eyeing it for long time now.

I knew about the sound balance issue, but didn't really have time to go in and make it better. Apparently there's even audio buses (channels) and built in effects. Much to play with in the future!

Yes, nothing fancy with the gates. Gates have their own exported "type" variable (fire, water, any). It is compared to player's type on area enter.

I was kind of doing last minute changes to ... well everything, and I'm glad I got at least something coherent out. :D

Yeah, godot has a lot of really cool features, still learning it myself and finding new things and i've been using it for a year now lol 

Ah, fair enough :D 
Well this definitely turned out really fun. Should make a post jam version with more levels utilizing the freezing enemy mechanics some more. Would be cool