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Tried running the program but could only get the white notes to show up. Was able to interact and play with them but the 4 GUI options in each corner in the screenshots wouldn't appear. Tried running the exe, zip file, and exe2 (also renaming the .pck file to GameJAM2.pck), so sadly couldn't make anything.

On the other hand tho, love the idea of make music with other people in this kind of format. A great concept for the limitation!

(1 edit) (+1)

Im honestly really confused what went wrong this time.. seem smultiple people have problems running it... are you on windows or linux?

Sorry for wasting your time...Thanks for the positive review though :)


Don't worry about that ha. Always gotta expect to run into problems when dealing with stuff like this.
I'm on windows.

After looking at the screenshots again tho, it seems like my view is just really zoomed. Possible that it may be a problem with my monitor rather then the software it self.


ah, that could be... ive set it up to run on 1920x1080 since steam said thats the most common monitor resolution.
Should have thought of that and made the important buttons more central ^^

Oh well, knowledge for next time