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Amazing, thank you for the link!! I must admit, I've been actively avoiding Dallas's route since I know it's going to be even more heartbreaking (and I totally already got all the feels and cried during Beau's route, even though his is supposed to be lighter). Looks like I have to do it though, since I'm excited to meet Faust and Jammy particularly. If I go back and start a new Story Mode game, will the characters unlock in the Open Mode game I'm currently playing? Or will I need to start a new Open Mode game before I can access those new characters? 

Also, two things: 1) I was wondering if you could clarify since I'm still not 100% sure after two playthroughs lol-- does "hiring a producer" for song recording actually do anything to the quality/popularity of the song, or is it just to cut down on the time it takes for recording? 

2) Any chance you'd be looking for additional writers for your dev team? Playing the game and the freedom of the band management aspect definitely got my creative juices flowing!