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Yeah, there’s definitely significant performance issues on the web build (the downloadable build should be better, but that’s no excuse).  I should be able to add enemies even when you don’t move as I’m already incrementing the spawn position on the screen, and there’s a lot of little balancing tweaks in terms of the intervals at which enemies appear/advance/attack. The intent for a goal is to find the level exit, which will likely also come with a random starting position, and basic variations of the level layout (flip vertical, flip horizontal and both).

Thanks for checking it out, and taking the time to comment!


It got very fun since you updated. I played on the browser and got to level 5.

There's still the problem with the performance, but it's not a big deal since it's on the browser (the problem with the performance actually helped me, since it makes the balls more slow XD).

There's a thing about the performance that I find it curious and therefore think it's relevant to point: when you get to the next floor the performance gets a little better, even though the combat state seens to remain unchanged.


A-ha! Yes I know what’s causing that speed up. There’s a clearing of dead enemies on level change, which I can make happen more often and hopefully keep performance a little better. Probably won’t help much, but it’ll be something. Thanks for the tip; next update will be focused on performance (but will also bring three new map variants to keep things fresh)