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This is a really cool concept for the game. Tarot naturally lends itself to the jam's theme! I really liked the music. With the tarot, it gave me big Persona 5 vibes. However, there were two big detractors to this game - the pacing and the overall dialogue. The pacing was just a bit too slow for a demo. I understand this is what a visual novel does, but it took a little bit too long. We don't know these characters that well, so it's tough to be invested in their banter. Secondly, the dialogue was riddled with grammatical and spelling errors. Games like this rely on well written dialogue, but the sentence structure and frequent errors really takes you out of the moment. I would consider hiring an editor or proofreader if you intend to further develop this project. 

Overall, really cool project and I'm glad I got to experience it. The music and the talking greek statue heads had a unique vibe. Well done!


Thank you for your feedback ! Thank you for pointing out the slow pace of the game, as it is something a lot of people brought to me, I'll look to change it ! I am sorry for the grammatical and spelling errors, as English is not my native tongue, I know thre is a ton of errors ! I'll look up to get help on the writing ( for a better narration ) and on the translation ! I didn't planned to do it all with my poor english don't worry :D  Thank you again for playing !