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The kitchen is done!

Well, not a lot to add to what was said earlier. The result is a bit messy, but it fits with the atmosphere I want. Here is the full track, including the different instruments added when the player click somewhere in the room:

For once, I used some electronic instruments. It creates some kind of weirdness, as if the food in the room was alien. And after all, I did plan to do some electro-swings. LMMS (and maybe most of DAW if you don't record any instrument at all?) is best suited for electro, so I might try to stick where it works great.

I also started to work on the lounge. I changed a bit what I planned for the chords: it's now C7 / Am7 / Am7dim. Lots of 7, I want this place jazzy!  It's a peaceful room, isolated from the party. The beat is divided by two, and actually even the manor motif is slower. For now, I have the bass and the chords. It still needs some percussions, and maybe another instrument to give it more consistance. And the vibraphone is temporary, I want to try something new to play the motif (maybe some rhodes?).

Next week I expect to finish the lounge. Then thee will be only one room left before we end the first floor! Progress is slow, but… Uh…

I forgot how I intended to finish this sentence. See you next week!