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I did not try the game yet, my feedback is based on your above presentation and screenshots 

3. Sure, there are a lot of buttons and tabs during the game, this can invade players with too much information at once. There is a difference between complexity and deepth.

4. Sure, I am a developer myself and it so happens that I develop/enjoy the type of sim/tactical/strategy games and I like to see how devs create these types of games naturally without me interfering in their creation.


3. I'll keep that in mind. I like the complexity though, but I will pay attention to what people think about that, and change it if they don't like it. I do have planned a progression where you add more features and complexity the more technologies you unlock though.

4. I see, I'll try to write devlogs with people like you in mind then :)

Thanks a lot for your feedback!.


3. yes, procedural unlocking features done right, will make it seem like a reward for the player rather than a plain tutorial.

4. That is very nice of you, tnx. 

Looking forward to more updates, please do post some gifs too when you have the possibility.