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I've been playing through this a bit, it's a lot of fun! The only thing is that there seems to be a lot of time spent in individual sectors, and not a lot of encounters or things in the roll tables to find within them. I was having a lot of repeats almost immediately, so i started to have to make a bunch of things up before I even really knew a lot abt the setting of the game yet. I don't really like altering the game too much when I'm not confident about the world it involves


Thanks for the feedback! I’ve been revising those tables lately, and trying to figure out ways to fit in more variety. Still trying to determine whether it’s enough to offer more general DIY options (like: roll on this table for an adjective and this one for a noun, and decide for yourself what “multiphasic snake” means), or if I should just have longer tables of pre-written encounters and anomalies…..