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Hello, I was gonna save a level, but it crashed? 
I got an error screen as such, pls help. Thanks and sorry for any inconviences caused


main.lua:735: bad argument #1 to 'close' (FILE* expected, got nil)


[C]: in function 'close'

main.lua:735: in function 'save_chapter'

main.lua:353: in function 'scene_settings_window'

main.lua:275: in function 'draw_ui'

main.lua:159: in function 'draw'

[C]: in function 'xpcall'

(1 edit)

Hello, thank you for the report. Usually these are caused by UTF8 or UNICODE characters used in the folder names (for example diacritic: á é ó). Current workaround is to use plain/basic letters for folders and directories.

"D:\Projécts\Helltáker Modding\Réléásé\Helltáker" [This will throw an ERROR]

"D:\Projects\Helltaker Modding\Release\Helltaker" [This will SAVE properly]

This will be fixed in the next update but let me know if that fixed it.