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is no more new update AEWVS?


Nah I wouldn't say that, but obviously you're not gonna know unless you go on Discord

I've seen like two other websites that look pretty much dead, but have active Discord servers that are practically thriving

And he's still working on GD. He doesn't really plan to ditch AEWVS for good, but the emotional payoff for developing and releasing an update for some of the members of his community just isn't worth the sheer amount of time and effort it takes to modify all of these blueprints and more (for both him and his computer) as opposed to the ones on GD which is a simplified old-school* game with more creative opportunity

Those are just Angell's blueprints from the middle of last year.

if you want to have a shot at developing aewvs go right ahead m8

*Guess he got tired of new-school.


aw man you know what SCREW YOU FIREYDEATH4 >:(


If only that could be the case.


can you stop i have to go