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Oh, no, I did not create a virtual environment. I didn’t see any venv in the rogue-dash folder, so I thought it was missing for some reason and skipped those steps; I didn’t realize the command would create it.

But now I’m not sure what to do with this command:

source venv/bin/activate

“source” isn’t a valid command as far as I can tell; do I need to download it from somewhere?

You may want to follow the steps found here to get python-tcod installed:

Oh, thanks!

What’s the difference between

py -m pip install tcod


pip install tcod

? The link you shared said to install it using the py -m command (which worked for me), but I’m not sure what that command does.

(2 edits)

I'm not a Windows user, I was not sure either. I found this on stackoverflow:

If the command:

py -m pip install tcod

Worked for you, perhaps you should try it in place of `python` that I provided in my instructions.