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BIG thanks for playing the game. :D

Actually there are stun state for all three bosses. If you successfully parry some special attacks, that boss will go to a tired state for 3 sec. (Check the gif below) You can try it in your second run.

About the attack range of bosses, it was made longer than players attack range intentionally. That means player need to keep the distance in a close range but not too close to get hit by the boss and you can get in and attack once there is room for attack. 

You can do double attack hit for free in every bosses.

Also, there are serval ways for beating the first boss. You can either hit and run but keeping a close range so the boss dont charge at you or you could dash backward and parry while the boss is charging, then the boss will end his charge attack behind you and you can get few free attacks. Or just like you said parry and then dash to the boss and attack, dash away.

You can pretty much win the game with no damage.

Definitely going to add attack cooldown or more trigger to the stun state.

Health bar will be updated later. Update is not allowed now cuz the jam is still rating the submissions


Really appreciated for your  looooong feedback. Sure will make some adjustment to the game with your advices.