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(1 edit) (+6)

Small rant on accessibility issues, beware of potential spoilers

I have to say: as someone with mobility issues, QTE's in VN's feels so out of place, especially for those of us who regularly use eye tracking / voice control / other special control systems to use our PC's

Luckily I can use a mouse, my issue is just with using one for more than an hour or two, but suddenly missing a QTE out of seemingly nowhere because the eye tracking "click" action takes a second, and then having to dig out a mouse, load a save and try again isn't too fun.

I'd like to see more authors add an option in preferences to either prolong the time you have to react to these events / a way to disable these events, if possible :)


Other than this, I'm loving this one so far :D

Edit: or add the option to use the keyboard to activate the button, as it seemed to ignore the usual arrows + enter to click....


This is actually a good criticism, and as a matter of fact, I'm considering coding in a way for using 1/2/3, or something similar for those QTEs. This may take a bit of time to get sorted, but thank you for bringing it to my attention. The last thing I want to do is be exclusive to those who need to use alternatives to clicking.
