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Yeah no worries man.

Ah nice, you had the second path spawn to the Town of Monsters.

Eh, I'd say level 10 / 15 - 17 as I said previously is more of a guideline. As long as you can beat the first 3 monsters in the Arena you'll at least re-coup your gold from entering the Arena (it costs 10 gold to enter iirc, and you get 10 gold and 5 experience for beating the first three monsters).

As for the Brothel Madame's Quests; yeah that should get you the 100 gold you need (either via the extra gold option at the start of the first quest or finishing the first quest). When you finish the first quest you can use the carriage in the Town of Monsters to travel to the starting town (costs 10 gold).

Yeah no worries, I usually just calculate if things have cheaper equivalents in-game seeing as starting gold can be a bit tough to come by lol. It's also pretty nice how the inn restores your health, so you don't have to use food resting or health potions to heal.


You can go earlier depending on starting points and build.