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A member registered Nov 01, 2016

Recent community posts

Does this work recently, and what were your previously mentioned edits?

What about the apparent lack of an encounters.json as of recent?

OH FUCK, not another arg thing DANIEL YOU BASARD!

So, for fulling running this, where would you slap this in for, say, a stock windows unzip and such?

Aight, cheers la.

Can the discord link in the page and the game be changed to a perma link? Neither work.

Where does flexible jaw come into use, how do you train and what encounters use the ass eater perk?


The ones that replicate catamine, failing "You're just not that slutty" checks, able to always ride in combat, that kinda thing.

You can go earlier depending on starting points and build.

Just get scentless.

The brothel will convert you into a (pretty shitty as of current, like a worse enchanter), class, and prevent you from making any good gains from brothel work too. The dignity loss and lust gains can also burn your willpower in some situations.

Keys are on start or bought only, unfortunatly.

Money can be gained semi nicely through caches, doing brothel missions for the blonde lady for a bit, or beefing up enough to consistently do arena fights, which is where real money at, findable in Monsters, the town.

Plus, a bigger tell, the amount of seduction options are the same, same with the lack of debuff appliers and shagging transitions.

Which did you download? The new seduction skills, statuses and transitions aren't there for the 64 version.

Would like to know too!

Ah so, profile is fine, save is not?

Also, not revolutionary.

Mess it up how?

Right, good to know, cheers!

I usually like importing over the previous gallery from updates, but seeming as I've recently converted over to android, I'm in shtuck. Is there anyway to crowbar open an APK file?

Computer crashed as a whole while the game was running, and as such, the game gets a fatal error on launch, with this as a error text:

com.badlogic.gdx.utils.SerializationException: Unable to convert value to required type:
    at com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Json.readValue(
    at com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Json.fromJson(
    at com.majalis.talesofandrogyny.TalesOfAndrogyny.create(
    at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication.mainLoop(
    at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication$