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(1 edit)

Just a small screenshot update today. Enjoy!

ErrorWare2 Screenshot- Pause Menu Controls

When you pause the game, the controls for the current microgame are now displayed at the pause menu, so you can look them up any time!

Abstráctomon Screenshot - Sea floor

In Abstráctomon, I added some rocks plants and corrals to the seafloor to give you a sense of direction when swimming in the ocean.

n Abstráctomon, I added some rocks plants and corrals to the seafloor to give you a sense of direction when swimming in the ocean.

Abstráctomon Screenshot - Shallow waters

And I implemented sand banks with shallow water where you are able to walk if you need a break from swimming.

Oh, and I added a few new songs I made for Abstráctomon to the soundtrack preview on the game's GameJolt page. 

I'm not sure if they will make it into the game, give them a listen and tell me what you think!