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Thank you sooo much for the comment.

It's great that you feel that way, means it's pretty good huh
We keep working on it daily, we'll hear more from us soon :)).

It's f@cking good, oh my...!

That's very delightful, can't wait...  
ଲ(₌♥ᆽ♥₌)ଲ meow!

I don't expect you to take these ideas into the game, but I wanted to share my thoughts with you ;-*

I was thinking about some k.o. punishment animations.
Like Arma is getting enclosed by the green slime monsters, only her head sticking out, getting her body sucked in joyful surrender.
Or the well-built Lizard is sliding his blue dick gently up my tight ass... oops, ehm I mean her ass (@_@')
As a deserved punishment, you know...?
(like her ass facing the sreen, her upper body lies bent over on the two perfect pillow tits, giving a full view of the action)
And the horse man, phew... he grabs her and uses her as a pocket pussy for the first half of his huge dick,
It wouldn't fit in completly anyway (X__x)

Whew, straight in the mood for your game again
See you there <3