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Hello! If you couldn't tell this account was specifically made for this review. Hope this helps any!


Sky Terrace is an interesting design giving me Sonic After The Sequel vibes honestly. I feel like the level looks decent but wish more was going on both graphically and gameplay wise. The level isn't the best design. It's so barren and repeats itself so much. I feel like most of the levels are like this and honestly it's kinda disappointing. I hope the level design is updated to be fleshed out and  bigger in general with more to do and more paths that suit the characters better (I'll come back to this). Overall I give this level graphically a 6/10 gameplay wise a 4/10 

Chaos Causeway looks like Starlight Zone and Stardust Speedway combined which I dont mind. Like Sky Terrace it doesn't have much graphically and gameplay wise. I won't go over what I have already said about gameplay as ive already gone over it in decent detail. I feel like more needs to be going on in general for something called "Chaos Causeway". Maybe more lights more building and gimmicks would be nice. I give this stage graphically 7/10 and gameplay wise a 4/10

Credits is the credits. I liked the loop-de-loop though. 10/10 



Sonic like the others are a little sluggish but not too bad. Sonic has the drop dash which is fine but at the end of the day... Why? It doesn't fit the level designs at all. In fact almost non of them do. Sprite wise I don't have many thoughts. Seen it before and probably will see it again. Sprite I'll give a 5/10 and power I'll give 4/10 

Shadow is probably the worse. The air dash is pretty weird and the homing  attack is barely used as no enemies are really in the levels. A shame that you barely end up using them. Also the sprite again ive seen. I give it 5/10 for sprite and 3/10 for power

Silver is my favourite. You can fly or well go on a line with him. It actually kinda fit but not much. Also like the other sprites ive seen it before. 5/10 for sprite and 6/10 for power. 








I know ive been critical on this game but I just want the best from it honestly. Hope this helps! 

Thank you so much! It is always good in my opinion to see some honest constructive criticism! I’ve noticed that the levels didn’t quite feel fun yet, and I couldn’t quite put my finger on why, so your comments definitely help!

Also thanks for making an account for this. Hope to see you on itch again in the future ;)

Physics problems also depend on your browser. I tried to make it mostly fps independent, but if the framerate dips too low, it could totally cause the sluggish movement you describe. Other than that, all the physics is modeled pretty close to the genesis games.