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The thing about game development is that you never have absolute control over how long it takes - so don't worry about the delays, work at your own pace, we're sure you're just as anxious for the final release as we are ! It's obvious you want the game to be exactly what you want it to be and I think it's great!

That being said, I absolutely love every aspect of what we've seen so far - the art is gorgeous, the storyline interesting, and the amount of customization we are given goes far above anything I've played so far (both in terms of appearance and personality). Implementing that must have been a lot of work! 

(1 edit)

I am very, very grateful for how supportive, understanding and patient everyone has been. This is so not even close to how I saw this going but I mean that in both bad and good ways; didn't expect to have to delay, didn't expect to get an overwhelming push back of support.

Thank you for taking the time to comment, playing the game, and saying such kind things. I really, really appreciate it!