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Good morning/afternoon/evening/whenever!

First off, I just want to say I absolutely adore this game. Haven't played it all yet, but I can already tell this game is going to have a special place in my heart.

Anyways, I wanted to ask something a bit weird. I'm kind of a grammar nerd and I have a weirdly deep understanding of the complexities and nuances of the English language. I'm not a professional novelist or editor in any capacity, but I would love if I could offer my English skills to you. 

My plan is to go through the entire game and jot down anything I think could use some better language on a digitized document. I'll mostly keep to grammar, but if I find something I think I could improve tonal or diction-wise, I'll add it to the doc as well.

If you're interested in my proposal, then just comment as such and I'll make sure to send the document when it is completed. 

I hope this comment finds you well and that you have a lovely rest of your day.


PS. The song that plays in Eric's room... you wouldn't have that on hand, would you? It's very pleasing to the ears. 


Thank you, I'm glad you enjoy THE BEAST. I appreciate your help, but I'm currently have a proofreader working on the proofreading. However, feel free to DM me on Discord (Ghostiespectie (THE BEAST VN)#9637)