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(2 edits)

25 times!!! Oml, thank you for playing! I'm so, soo happy and so honored you like my game so much! ♥♥♥

And you're right. MC is supposed to be one year younger than Matt, and they grew up together (so, depending on the month MC was born, they'd be ~27)! :P 

I just scoured my code and found the dialogue you mentioned. It's in the first moments of chapter 1 if you follow The Destroyer archetype. It was a mistake, I'm sorry! i.i And thank you for pointing that out, I just fixed it. ♥ Here's how the line looks like now:

"It was funny to see an older woman pout and frown—even if she was barely three and thirty by the time I saw my seventh winter.""

So, Mathias was born in 8:18, when the Queen was 25, and MC in 8:19. 

I hope I didn't confuse too many players with that hahaha! :P

Also, thank you soo much for all your kind words and for your support. It means a lot to me that you're so attached to Matt, Mandra, and their world! ♥

Btw, you're probably one of my favorite people in *my* entire world right now! hahaha. Ok, I'm *elated* (I Thesaured this one cause I was using happy too much XD) by the number of hints you noticed and how much you pieced together already. Thank you for playing my game and for paying this much attention to it. You're an angel. ♥

For the Answers:

How old is Lady Melike?

In the present, she's 21, about to complete 22.

Also, are there other Dragon Commanders?

Yes! There's one per Kingdom, so five in total. They're responsible for the Royal Army and should always be ready to act as diplomats if needed. This is a very special title tied to how important dragons are for their culture, so it's often saved to real Heroes loved by the people and the nobility alike. In our society, it'd be like receiving a Nobel. XP

*looks at MC* (: 

*looks at Mathias* (((((: 

Yep... ahem. I'll tell more about them in-game too. ♥ You'll soon discover some of the perks of the title. >8)

Was Elias always cruel? 

No! He was once the perfect mix of a Papa Bear and a himbo, but <spoilers>. jgfughriduh I'm still not entirely sure if this will fit into the main game or not because of the pacing I want. If I notice it won't fit, I promise I'll write a short story about it cause it's <more spoilers>. ♥ Honestly, I could write a whole new game with this, cause <spoiler>, <spoiler>, and she just <spoiler>. :P

"How did Mandra save MC?"

This will only appear in the next book, which is shaping to be more focused on Mand. :3

What happened to Murdoch? What made the Queen cold? When will Melike be back and what is her mission? How did Mathias "save" MC the first time and what happened at the academy? When did MC save Mathias from the assassin?

These will all be answered in chapters 3 and 4. ♥♥♥

Thanks for your interest in the game and for all your support. I'm really happy you're enjoying this with me!

